Poster for "Love, Sucks! The Story of Adam & Angel" featuring a group of people in traditional, ornate attire with crowns and jewelry against a dark background, with stylized text above.

Love, Sucks!

In a world where good meets evil, Adam and Angel cross paths. They uncover dark secrets and supernatural powers, and test the limits of their humanity. Adam and Angel search the darkest corners of the human heart to find each other, vengeance, and redemption.

Director’s Statement:

I was inspired to tell a modern-day story of good and evil. I have always been fascinated by stories from the Bible. The book of Genesis was a huge inspiration. I combined my understanding of scripture with my knowledge of African religions and folklore to create this film. Looking back at my previous short film, Black Girl in Paris, there is evidence of Good and Evil thematically. I hope to continue my exploration of the subject matter as I embark on the journey to make my debut feature film, Love, Sucks!

Love, Sucks Mood-board

Adam is a first-generation Vampire from West Africa. He is a day-walker, half-man, half-vampire, and the sole heir to his mother’s empire. Queen Mother and The Council of Orisha prepare Adam to take the reigns of the Blackshire Corporation while Adam battles the forces of two worlds, humans and full-blooded vampires, who threaten to destroy him.

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Love, Sucks